Heads up!

The information on this page is general and may differ by region. For specific details relevant to your region, please switch to the appropriate language version using the menu above.

Step 1: Documents for Application

Find all the necessary documents to apply for the grant here.

List of countries and territories from which lead applicants and co-applicants are eligible.

List of eligible countries and territories

Download an empty version of the ‘proposed action’ part of the application form in a Word document. This can be used in case you prefer to include additional images or figures.

Application form

Find here a word and pdf version of the ‘Declaration by Applicant’ that has to accompany each application and needs to be signed by each lead-applicant and all co-applicants.

Declaration by Applicant

Declaration by Applicant in word

Step 2: Documents for Grant Recipients

Approved for a grant from Connect for Global Change? Congratulations! The following documents are relevant for managing your grant.

If you are selected to receive a grant you will sign a contract with the Connect for Global Change partner in your country. Roughly this contract will be similar to the example that you find here:

Grant Contract

If you work as a group of applicants together on the implementation of a project it is needed and expected that you formalise your relations through a cooperation agreement. Connect for Global Change does not provide you with a required format for such an agreement, but we provide you here with a suggestion of which items should be included to organise your cooperation.

Contents of a Cooperation Agreement

Download here the Logos to be used for publications related to your grant.

Connect for Global Change logo + EU logo

Here is an example of the single tender report that is needed for each expenditure of more than € 2.500.

Single tender report

If you would like to change your Action or would like to change your budget you should use the form you find here.

Request for Adjustments & Budget Revision

Optional: Use the Connect for Global Change BrandBook if you would like to align your materials with the programme’s branding. You are also allowed to use your own colours, fonts and materials.

Brandbook Connect for Global Change